Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous Tense: Explanation, Uses and Rules.

The Present Continuous Tense is generally used to talk about actions that have started to happen and have not yet been completed. It refers to events that continue to occur at or around the moment of speaking.


I + am + Ving
 He/She/It + is + Ving
 You/We/They + are + Ving
I + am + not + Ving
 He/She/It + is + not + Ving
 You/We/They + are + not + Ving
Am + + Ving
 Is + He/She/I+ Ving
 Are + You/We/They + Ving
Short Form
I am coming. I'm coming.
 He is coming. He's coming.
 We are coming. We're coming.

I am not coming. I'm not coming.
 He is not coming.
He isn't coming.
 We are not coming. We aren't coming.
Am I coming?    ––
 Is he coming?    ––
 Are they coming?    ––
Am I not coming?   Aren't I coming?
 Is he not coming?
  Isn't he coming?
 Are you not coming?
  Aren't you coming?
  💬 As shown below, negative sentences can be shortened in two ways, but the 'isn't/aren't' form is used more often.
  ・She isn't coming. = She's not coming. 

・We aren't coming. = We're not coming.
  Time Expressions  
  now, right now, just now, at the moment, at this moment, at the present, at the present time, at present, today, this week/month/year, this term, temporarily, nowadays, these days, for the time being  



It is used to talk about actions or events that are happening at the moment of speaking. The following adverbs of time are commonly used in this case: now, right now, at the moment, at the present.

・ He is sleeping now.

・ I'm working at the moment.

・ Are you still waiting for me?

・ Look! John is swimming in the sea.

・ What are you doing? - I'm watching TV.


It is used to talk about temporary situations or actions. The following adverbs of time are commonly used in this case: these days, nowadays, this year, this week, this term.

・He's working hard these days.

・I'm learning English this year.

・We are staying at a hotel for six weeks.

・I'm taking a course in art history this semester.


It is used to describe actions that are planned to be done in the future. The following adverbs of time are commonly used in this case: tomorrow, next week, this month.

・I'm not working tomorrow.

・He's coming back soon. 

・We are getting married next year.

・What are you doing this weekend?


It is used to describe repetitive actions or events that can be often disturbing. The following adverbs of time are commonly used in this case: always, constantly, forever.

・It's always raining here.

・They are constantly arguing.

・Be careful. You are always making mistakes. 


It is used to describe changing or developing events.

・It's getting dark. 

・My English is improving. 

・Technology is developing rapidly.

・Our population is increasing day by day.

Expected action

It is used to indicate an action that is thought or expected to be done within a certain period of time.

・At 8 in the evening, he's usually watching TV.

・He likes to listen to music when he's working. 

・She hates to be disturbed if she's sleeping.

Stative verbs

Generally, stative verbs are not used in the present continuous tense.

I am wanting to drink water.
I want to drink water.

I'm understanding you.
I understand you.

The food is tasting delicious.
The food tastes delicious.