Collocations with relationship | Bilexis Dictionary
Collocations with relationship

relationship noun

1-) a relation between people, groups, countries, etc.


friendly, good, happy, harmonious, healthy, strong
・We have a strong relationship built on trust and mutual respect.

close, intense, intimate, special 
・Their strong emotional connection forms the basis of their intimate relationship.

enduring, lasting, long-standing, long-term, permanent
・Trust and loyalty are essential elements of a lasting friendship.

brief, casual • serious, stable, steady
・He had brief relationships with many women.

human, interpersonal, one-to-one, personal
・Personal relationships often involve shared experiences and intimate conversations.

marital, family, kin, kinship, blood
・The marital relationship between spouses forms the foundation of a family unit.

doctor-patient, parent-child, teacher-student
・A successful parent-child relationship is characterized by unconditional love.

business, working, contractual, formal, physical, power, professional, social
・In a successful professional relationship, colleagues collaborate and share ideas.

caring, love-hate, loving 
・Building a loving relationship requires mutual trust and respect.

sexual, romantic
・In a healthy romantic relationship, both partners support each other.

toxic, abusive
・Toxic relationships are characterized by negativity, disrespect, and a lack of trust.

broken, failed
・Their marriage ended in a broken relationship.

complicated, difficult, fragile, poor, stormy, strained, troubled, uneasy
・Their complicated relationship was a result of cultural differences.


have, enjoy
・He has a strong relationship with his collegue.

begin, build, build up, develop, establish, foster
・Regular communication is essential to building strong relationships with clients.

cement, improve, strengthen
・Going on a vacation together can help strenghen a romantic relationship.

continue, maintain • handle, manage 
・Effective communication is vital in maintaining a harmonious relationship.

break off • destroy
・Sarah made the difficult decision to break off her toxic relationship.

・A professional relationship exists between the employer and employees.

blossom, deepen, develop, grow, flourish, thrive, evolve
・Despite the challenges, their relationship has grown stronger.

work • continue, last
・Their relationship has lasted for over a decade.

go through, be through
・Mark and Emily's relationship has been going through a rough patch lately.

deteriorate, go wrong, worsen
・Their loving relationship began to deteriorate.

break down, break up, fail
・The lack of trust caused their relationship to break down.


・In a relationship, it's important to respect each other.

among, between
・The relationship between a teacher and student should be based on mutual respect.

・Building a strong relationship with siblings requires understanding and compromise. 

・Their relationship to each other is marked by a strong sense of loyalty.


the breakdown of a relationship
・The breakdown of a relationship can be a deeply painful.

a network of relationships, a web of relationships  
・Maintaining a healthy network of relationships requires investment of time and energy.

take one's relationship to the next level
・Lisa and Tom decided to take their relationship to the next level.

2-) connection between two or more things


・There's a close relationship between childhood experiences and adult behavior.

・The historical artifacts show a direct relationship to the cultural practices of that era.

clear • significant • true • particular • deep
・The study's results indicated a clear relationship between job satisfaction and employee productivity.

・There is an inverse relationship between the price of a product and its demand - as the price increases, the demand decreases. 

positive • negative
・Studies have shown a negative relationship between alcohol consumption and liver health.

・The country's political landscape exhibits a complex relationship between various factions and ideologies.

causal, dynamic, reciprocal • linear, spatial
・The dynamic relationship between economic growth and inflation requires careful policy management to ensure stable price levels.

economic, functional, legal • natural, organic • symbolic 
・The economic relationship between a country's imports and exports determines its trade balance.

striking, surprising
・The two theories bear a striking relationship in terms of their principles.


bear, have
・The social media posts bear no relationship to the reality of the person's life.

examine, explore, look at, study, investigate
・Anthropologists examine the relationship between culture and social norms.

discover, uncover, reveal, find
・The researcher discovered a strong relationship between exercise and mental health.

demonstrate, show, exhibit, indicate
・The experiment's results demonstrate a causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer.

see, understand • clarify, define, describe
・Our study aims to understand the relationship between climate change and species extinction.

reflect • stand in
・The artist's abstract painting reflects the complex relationship between color and emotion.


・In a legal relationship, both parties have rights and obligations.

・the relationship between income levels and happiness

・The patterns of the artwork bear a symbolic relationship to the artist's emotions.

・The quality of customer service has a direct relationship with customer satisfaction.